Each Thursday in February we will be hosting the Families of Faith Series, part 2, dedicated to encouraging and equipping parents with creating Gospel-centered homes. Join us starting on Feb. 6 at 6:30pm to hear from a different couple each week. Childcare is provided, please RSVP here so that we can plan accordingly.

Starting on October 6, Dylan and Lydia Duke will pick back up with leading the Young Married Couples Group. This group will meet the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month from 2-4pm at the Wallace residence. Contact the church office at 406-642-9994 for address.

Re|Engage is an 11-week ministry designed to strengthen and grow your marriage. Stay tuned for information about the next offering of Re-Engage. Questions ? Contact the church office at 406-642-9994.

ING Groups are wonderful ways to stay connected with others in our body while other Bible studies are on break throughout the summer. At the beginning of each summer we offer groups that provide something for everyone, whether it be Volleyball-ING or Seek-ING & Find-ING, an evening of digging deeper in the Word together. Check back in Summer of 2025 for info on the summer’s ING group offerings!