Women’s Bible Studies details are below.

Click here to sign up!

Throughout the year, we offer Women’s Bible studies on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm and Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:00am. Both are on summer break; check back here for information for when we pick back up with these studies in the fall. In the meantime, check out ING Groups to stay connected! And scroll below for info on an ongoing Friday morning study!

Click here to sign up!

Fridays at 10:00am, all women are welcome to join us for a time of Bible study, fellowship and prayer. No need to sign up, come when you can. All you need to bring is your Bible! Childcare is provided.

Click here to sign up!

Periodically throughout the year we offer “Taste and See”, a very special evening for all ladies to come together, worship, enjoy some delicious treats, and hear a testimony from one of our own Roots ladies. Stay tuned for more details regarding our next Taste and See!